GREAT Personal Computer
Repair Service!!
Julie Kisic is the owner
of PC Therapy, and REALLY knows how to take care of the home personal computer owner! While some businesses prefer to
offer services to commercial sources, Julie chooses to help educate, train, and assist the individual computer owners!
Julie has VERY reasonable
rates, whether you bring your system to HER, or if you need HER to come to your home. If time permits, she is also very
good at explaining complicated issues to those who don't yet understand them.
I've provided three different
ways that you can contact her, if you either need her services, or would just like to investigate what she offers. The
first link above (1) is the link to her business web site. There, you can find out just about everything about her business
and more. She even posts "Tips" and "Tricks" free of charge on her site. The second link (2) above is her direct
email link, if you would prefer to write to her about her availability. Finally, the third link (3) is the "Feedback"
area of her business web site. This provides you with another reliable way to electronically send her a message.
Tell her that Mr. Orr sent
you, and she'll take GREAT care of you and your computer(s)!
Greeley Central High School
Web Site Links:
Use either of the links above this text, if you would like to investigate our school's WONDERFUL
web site. The "Outside-School" link is for browsers originating from outside of our building, while the other one is
if you're accessing this site from within our walls.
Government Related Links:
Colorado No-Call Law Related Links:
The 3 links above all relate to the new Colorado No-Call Law, which goes into effect
as of May 1, 2002. The top link allows you to enter YOUR name and number onto this voluntary listing, but won't be fully
available until May 1st. The second link allows you to follow up on telemarketers that MIGHT be breaking the law by
STILL calling your number after it's been submitted to the No-Call list. Finally, the third link above allows a person
to read more about the specifics of this new state law, if they wish to know more.
Though the information provided on this site is not REAL extensive, it does have a
very easy-to-understand format for explaining SEVERAL specific issues, as they relate to Colorado Law. They've aligned
these issues in a "From A to Z" index, which makes it very easy to "bone up" on topics that might affect you. Some of
the topics they cover are employment law, underaged drinking, curfew, and more. See if you really DO know what the Colorado
Laws are in these areas and beyond!
This is a VERY useful site that contains answers to just about ANY question you might
have, regarding our Federal Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Laws in this country. Check it out for yourself, if you
have any questions or concerns in this area.
This is a TREMENDOUSLY useful government related site, whether you're seeking local,
state, or Federal information. This extensive site has links to almost anything you could need, from electronically
filing your taxes to changing your mailing address. You can even follow a link to file patents and trademarks.
It's a GREAT place to go, if you're not sure where to begin.
Here's a great site to go to, if you need workplace related information. You
can find out information about the following topics: Pay and Compensation, Descrimination laws,
Medical Leave, On-the-Job Safety Issues, Laws governing Lunch and Breaks, Pension Related Issues, and More.
Check it out!
This is a GREAT site to use, if you're wanting to write to your Congressperson about
an important issue, or set of issues. You can write to either your State Representative, or your Senator, based on where
you live. You can also either write them a standard letter, or email them right from this site. It's pretty cool!
Check it out!
This is a cool site to cruise through, if you're at all interested in finding out
how our government works, and why. It's very informative, and an easy read!
Misc. Calculator Tools:
This is a VERY easy-to-use comprehensive calculator that can help you figure out what
your spending habits are, or expect to be, against your current or expected income. Remember to use a "Net Pay" (after
deductions) figure for your Salary/Wages area on the worksheet you'll see.
This is a GREAT and VERY easy to use calculator that can help you figure out what
your "net pay" will be, if you already know what you'll be paid for wages. Also, use it to calculate what you SHOULD
make in order to fit the kind of life style you would like to enjoy!
here, if you would like to get an idea of how much it will cost to put your high school graduate student through college,
assuming that they do NOT earn or search for any scholarships, grants, etc. You can also use this calculator,
if your student is not quite ready to graduate.
here, if you want to try to estimate approximately how much you'll need to send your child through college for a minimum of
four years. Enter your child's age anywhere from newborn, to age 17, then
hit "calculate."
Go here, if you're in search for a way
to more accurately estimate the total costs of borrowing for your college education, or for that of your child. Enter the total amount of money that you can expect to want to borrow to cover the total college expenses. Brace yourself before you hit the calculate button!!
This is a GREAT easy-to-use online calculator sponsored by homestore.com, if you're
curious about comparing one place against another. Use a geographic location that you're familiar with to compare against
any other location. Using a tool like this one helps people decide what the economic impact will be when they move from
one spot to another.
This is a GREAT cost-of-living calculator that also factors in the impact of taxes
on your income, to help you determine what might be the best place to live. Compare virtually any U.S. city to one that
you're familiar with, to give you an idea in comparison.
out this VERY easy to use online calculator, if you want to see what your car/truck payments will be like, based on the sale
price of the vehicle, the best interest rate you would qualify for, and the amount of years they would require that you have
it paid off by. It takes just seconds to use.
This is a GREAT easy-to-use loan calculator that can help you judge whether or not
you can afford that car or truck you've been considering to buy! Check it out, and make SURE that you're ready to make
that big step right now!
This is a GREAT calculator, if you want to see just how your credit card debts will
affect your income, in the way of monthly payments. Go ahead and check out how scary this can be, if you don't use your
credit cards wisely!!
This is a great calculator to use, if you're trying to see JUST how much house or
car you can buy. Click on the link above, and enter figures like: the amount of loan you need, the expected interest
rate, and the amoun to time (in months) that you would be expected to pay the loan back in full. Brace yourself for
the shock, if you're investigating a home purchase at today's prices!
site will provide an easy calculator for converting just about any currency over to another, providing current exchange rates.
Enter two dates (including the time!)
and this script will display the number of weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds between the two. The seconds field
is optional, too. For an example, try entering your birthdate and compare it to TODAY's date.
NOTE: To help you in making the right choice about moving, be sure
to go to near the top of this page, where I've posted some VERY useful cost-of-living comparison calculators for you.
Each one compares where you're coming FROM to where you're considering to relocate, and lets you know whether or not your
current wages/salary match up.
This is a GREAT tool that can help you find an apartment well before you get off the
seat of you pants. Several of the options even allow you to take a picture tour of the available apartments as well.
Check it out and save yourself some time.
If you're the type that doesn't feel comfortable moving to another location without
knowing as MUCH as you possibly can about where you're going, check out THIS site link! You can compare your current
communtity to any others, check out school reports in the area you're considering, look at and print local crime reports,
and more! You can even search for a new job using 10 different search tools, all by completing one simple form!
Check it out. It's all FREE!
This is a great site to start your home price searches with,
if you're planning on moving anywhere within the United States! You can also use it if you're just a little "nosey,"
and would like to see what your neighbors got for THEIR homes when they sold them. I've noticed that it doesn't have
a lot of the NEWER subdivisions, but DOES contain a wealth of sales information everywhere else.
You can do your searches either by specific zip codes, by
city and state, or by simply clicking on a series of maps, beginning with the continental U.S. map.
You have until March 3, 2003 to register for this mass consumer rebate court settlement,
IF you qualify. Click on the link above, and see if you do. Then, complete the simple registration form, and see
what happens.